Marketplace Update: 1 Click Deployment

We’ve always been about community, and since the exciting launch of our marketplace on June 9th, 2023, the community feedback has been invaluable. You wanted a quicker setup with minimal groundwork, so we delivered. And now, we’re thrilled to introduce our one-click deployment! This release will transform your experience, whether you’re a seasoned developer or just beginning your journey.

Meet P2P Cloud: Decentralizing the Digital Space

At P2P Cloud, we’ve revolutionized the concept of cloud services. By offering virtual machines at a fraction of the cost compared to giants like AWS, GCP, and Azure, we’ve made decentralized cloud computing more accessible than ever. And it’s not just about affordability. With our platform, anyone can become a provider, renting out unused hardware—from personal computers to powerful servers. Safety? We’ve got that covered. Our unique Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) ensures that, just like how Apple safeguards FaceID data, the client’s crypto wallets encrypt the hardware. No trust issues, only smooth transactions.

One-Click Deployments: From Hours to Minutes

Remember the tedious hours spent setting up environments, going through endless documentation, or skimming through YouTube tutorials? Say goodbye to all of that. Our newly launched one-click deployment feature turns those lengthy setups into a thing of the past. Our first wave of deployment is Avalanch, Coreum, Docker, or MinIo. Apps that used to take between 30 minutes to 2 hours are now wrapped up in mere minutes. Not sure about the specs needed for a Coreum or AVAX node? We’ve got your back! Our intelligent custom filter ensures you get the right VM tailored for your specific RPC deployment—meeting essential requirements and offering ample resources for a hassle-free experience.

Why Coreum and Avalanche?

Our decision to kickstart with Coreum and Avalanche isn’t arbitrary. We’ve chosen them because of the support we have received from their community and their vision of a decentralized future. Because of that, we wanted the first implementation to be something we knew would help their community and strengthen their ecosystem. For Coreum, we saw users get stuck and spend hours debugging when deploying a validator node. As for Avalance, we noticed the increase in projects deploying subnets and wanted to make it easier by streamlining the process.


We are making cloud computing accessible and affordable for anyone needing a virtual machine by allowing anyone to be a provider and lease out unused hardware to anyone. Thanks to our custom TEE, users don’t have to worry about trusting the provider and vice versa. Instead of starting from scratch, developers can now click on deployment and have it installed and configured in minutes instead of hours. Our gratitude goes out to the Coreum and Avalanche communities for supporting and taking steps to decentralization. By simplifying the deployment process for these platforms, we aim to strengthen their ecosystem further and make decentralization not a buzzword but a reality for all.

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