What is Attestation


As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of AI & Machine Learning (ML), Web3 & DeFi, healthcare tech, infosec, and Dev Ops, one term that you’ll increasingly come across is “attestation.” Attestation is a process that plays a crucial role in ensuring security within a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE).

TEE is like a secure, locked room inside your computer or device. It’s a special, protected area where important tasks can be done safely. The TEE ensures that the data inside it, and its operations, can’t be seen or messed with from the outside.

Now that we know what TEE is, the rest of this post will cover: what attestation is, why it’s important, see attestation in action, and how P2P Cloud leverages this technology.

What is Attestation?

Imagine going through customs at an airport. The customs officer checks your passport, verifies it’s you, and ensures you are who you claim to be. This is a real-world example of attestation because when you’re at the airport you are using your documents to prove that you are who you say you are. In the digital world, attestation is a similar process but for computer programs. It’s a way to confirm that a program within a TEE is authentic, running as it should, and hasn’t been tampered with.

Why is Attestation Important?

Attestation provides us with four essential elements of security: trust, authenticity, confidentiality (and privacy), and non-repudiation.

  • Trust: Attestation allows us to be confident that a program is what it claims to be without mindlessly trusting any individual or organization.
  • Authenticity: Consider it a program’s trusted “ID” card. This ID is verified within the TEE and is challenging to fake or alter. Confidentiality (and privacy): Like a good secret keeper, TEE can share proof of a program’s integrity without revealing any secrets. It does this by encrypting and decrypting data within its secure environment.
  • Non-Repudiation: TEE is like an unbiased witness, keeping detailed logs of activities within its environment. This provides clear evidence of who did what, preventing denial of any action later.

Attestation in Action

Attestation is applied in various scenarios for enhanced security, including:

  • Secure Booting: When a computer system starts up, each component verifies the next one, ensuring the entire system is safe and isn’t compromised.
  • Cloud Computing: Within peer-to-peer cloud environments, attestation checks the integrity of virtual machines (VMs) or containers before clients begin using them.
  • Internet of Things (IoT): As IoT devices often exist in unsecured environments prone to be compromised by malicious actors, attestation helps verify that the software on these devices has not been compromised.

Attestation in P2P Cloud

At P2P Cloud, we’ve incorporated attestation into our marketplace using a WebAssembly (WASM) module. Whenever a user books a VM, the WASM retrieves certificates, checks the VM’s processor and firmware, and verifies their authenticity. This process ensures our users a secure, transparent, and trusted service.


Security measures like attestation cannot be overstated as we increasingly rely on advanced technologies in our everyday lives. By confirming authenticity, ensuring confidentiality, and providing non-repudiation, attestation allows us to trust our technologies, making our digital world a little safer.

Want to dive deeper into this topic? Follow us on Twitter or Telegram to discuss attestation, TEE, and how P2P Cloud leverages these technologies to create a trustless ecosystem.